
Critical Facts About Adding Children in a Partner Visa Application

Partner visas are a godsend to couples who have been living in different countries. It allows them to live together as long as one partner is Australian. Partner visas are particularly beneficial to couples with children since the kids get to live with both parents rather than with one. That said, applying for a partner visa is not as straightforward for couples with children, and simple errors might lead to application rejection.

All You Need To Know About Australian Family Visas

Would you want to visit or live with family members that reside in Australia? Family visas will allow you to visit the country for a short period or become a permanent resident in Australia. Read this extract to learn more about Australian family visas. Partner Visa The Australian partner visa enables you to visit your spouse or de facto partner in Australia. Subclass 820 is a temporary permit while subclass 801 is a permanent visa.

What to Do If You've Been Denied an Australian Tourist Visa

If you've never been to Australia, you may be fascinated by the prospect and cannot wait to explore its major cities and outstanding natural attractions. In order to gain access, you need to get a tourist visa, and while you may have thought that this would be straightforward, it appears to have been denied. What are the main reasons for denial, and what can you do about it? Wrong Subclass

Have An Immigration Issue? Here's Why You Should Use A Migration Agent

Migration agents are individuals that are trained, licensed and mandated by the immigration department to help on a broad range of issues. A migration agent can assist you with any visa problems you may have. Although it is possible to handle visa matters on your own, migration agents are invaluable in offering insights, legal advice and even handling complicated applications on your behalf. If you are wondering whether you should use a migration agent, this article explains the scope of services they can undertake for you.